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This window acts as a GUI for the external animation players like
the YAFA-Player "yp".
Some of the functions are only available for YAFA-animations.
File filename of a single animation or a Wildfire-project
Display select the realtime-transformations done by the YAFA-Player
Cache don't play YAFA-animations directly from harddisk
FrameBuffers cache-buffer for the YAFA-player
LoadBuffer load-buffer for the YAFA-player
Animation show type-specific informations about the selected animation
Shortcuts show the shortcuts of the YAFA-player
In case of YAFA- or IFF-animations a size-profile and some informations
about the used compression is displayed.
The Timecodes-Window can be reached from this Window, too.
Output display-type
24Bit select how to treat 15/24-Bit-animations on AGA-machines
Wait after setting this option the YAFA-Player waits for a
SPACE-press before playing
Screenmode choose a the screenmode (Output=SCREEN)